Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.
Remotely control a wide range of home appliances and office equipment from anywhere. Retrofit your standard electrical wall boxes, power sockets, and light switches or other places with limited space.

LOQED Touch Smart Lock
Eröffne das volle Potenzial Deiner Tür mit dem LOQED Touch Smart Lock - jetzt in die Shelly Smart Control App integriert. Das ultimative smarte Türschloss für maximale Sicherheit und Zutritt komplett ohne Schlüssel.

Mit Shelly die perfekte Atmosphäre schaffen
Mit den Smart-Home-Lösungen von Shelly erzeugst Du problemlos die richtige Stimmung für Geselligkeit und Komfort. LED-Lichter für ein romantisches Abendessen dimmen? Eine lebendige Szene für eine Gaming-Nacht mit Freunden erschaffen? All das und noch viel mehr personalisierte Atmosphären lassen sich mit Shelly einrichten.

Smart-Home-Automatisierung mit fortgeschrittenen Lösungen für komfortables Wohnen


Shelly Wall Display X2 Black