Shelly BLU Wall Switch 4
Device image

Device identification
Device name: Shelly BLU Wall Switch 4
Device model: SBBT-004CEU
Device Bluetooth ID: 0x0006
Short description
Shelly BLU Wall Switch 4 (the Device) is a smart four-button Bluetooth control interface. It can be mounted seamlessly with various standard switch ranges. It can also be used as a standalone remote control. The Device features a long battery life, supports multi-click and strong encryption.
Main features
Long battery life
Supports multi-click
Compact size, portability, and ease of use
Strong encryption
Use cases
Lighting control: Assign the button to control specific lighting scenes or individual smart lights. For example, a single press could turn on/off the lights, while a long-term press could dim or brighten them.
Garage door opener: Use the strong encryption of Shelly BLU Wall Switch 4 and control your smart garage door opener as you approach or leave your garage.
Smart blinds or curtains: Open or close motorized blinds or curtain at the touch of a button.
Location-based automation: Set the device in Beacon mode so that to trigger specific actions when you come within Bluetooth range. Use the Device for presence control, for example to keep lights on while you need to spend some time in a certain area.
Scene control: Use the 4 buttons to activate any scene or specific actions you can imagine. Each button supports single, double, triple and long push - which allows the user to make 16 different actions!